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About Me

A fascination with the shapes of nature, man and his creations leads me to draw realistically. An obsession with existence and being alive leads me to transform these physical observations into a commentary on consciousness. Exercising my eyes and hand in unison brings me great peace.


I discovered plant medicine in my teens, which lured me from my isolated consciousness into a connected reality. I want to share the beauty which has kept me earth-based during my lowest moments. Only light can be seen in the dark, I rise with the sun and shine upon a green planet. 

Born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA in the early 2000's. I grew up on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. I moved to the heart of the state in early 2024, and experienced a different way of living. I decided to take a big leap of faith and change my entire life in early 2025. I have been in Austin, TX ever since.   

Public school education, almost a high school dropout. In a long-standing, on and off again relationship with college and university. One day, I’ll get a degree. That’s not a statement of determination, just pattern recognition. I was on track for physics and engineering at UVA during my peak academic career, ending in 2020-2021. 

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